FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I retain copyright of my submission?
    • Yes, the author or authors of a submitted article, book, or any other materials remain the sole property of the original author(s).
  2. Why are payments only made every 12 months?
    • To keep banking costs low we opt for an annual payment scheme. Also, a submission can take a few months to gain traction. This way authors receive a lump sum once per annum.
  3. How are payments calculated?
    • In a 12-month period, we receive X-amount in revenue from sponsors and through advertising. We subtract our operating costs from the total and then use our web tools to calculate individual page visitations and the duration of a visit. The more popular your page was in the 12-period after publication, the bigger your share of the pot is.
  4. How do authors receive payment?
    • Authors receive an annual letter containing a breakdown of their quarterly downloads. This document also includes the final reimbursement totals. This letter will contain a form that needs to be completed before payments are made. Payments are either made directly into their bank or PayPal accounts.
  5. Do you only accept papers from established or well-known scholars?
    • No, we focus on the quality of the submission. If your piece is well-written, and fits our publication, and we can prove that you are expert in your field (at least a PhD from an accredited institution) then we are interested. Even replication or dead-end studies are welcome. Remember Edison’s words: “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.” Part of scientific discovery is the sharing of failures and mistakes since others learn from it. One of our goals is to build the biggest replication and dead-end studies database in the world.
  6. Do you accept papers or books from the humanities?
    • Unfortunately, not at this moment. However, if you are in the humanities and your study overlaps with the hard sciences, then we urge you to submit. For instance, if you are a linguist and your study revolves around technology like AI, we are interested. Another example: If you researched pleasure and/or fear experienced when watching horror films, and you incorporated neuroscientific theories, then we are also interested.
  7. How long does does the whole process take?
    • It takes us 5-10 working days to go through your submission, verify your credentials, and fix any errors. You can expect your submission to be online within two weeks
    • Where books are concerned, the process is longer and deadlines are established case by case.
  8. Do you market each submission to the public?
    • Yes, we do. The idea is to maximize your footprint in the academic community. Your success is our success.
  9. Are submissions subjected to peer review?
    • No, your submitted pieces do no go through peer review, as you have already gone through the peer review process when your research was published elsewhere.
    • Book manuscripts, however, do go through a rigorous peer review process before publication.
  10. Are book reviewers paid for their work?
    • Yes, all book reviewers receive payment for their efforts, but they are paid per copy of the book that we sell and receive the equivalent of €1 per book downloaded or sold. Like the authors, they are paid 12 months after publication.
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