Submission Guidelines

All interviews for the profile section are completed by Libris Ignis staff. If you feel that your work could be interesting to the general public, please reach out to us. We would like to get to know you better. Or, if you have a colleague who is doing some interesting work, let us know.

We are also interested in short theory discussions where academics summarise their key findings into a short article. For instance, if you are an expert in nuclear fission, then write us a short article about the field and your contributions with links to your papers. It is important though that these submissions are written in an accessible way. A high-school student must be able to understand it. You are also welcome to submit podcasts, videos, or posters/infographics.

Currently, we only accept submissions that focus on science, technology, engineering, and medicine. This includes, but is not limited to: chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, neuroscience, pharmaceuticals, data science, programming, and the various types of engineering.

Photo of a woman immersed in reading something on her laptop.
Photo copyright George Milton @ Pexels.

Types of submission we accept:

  • Books
  • Theory/Research discussions
  • Replication studies
  • Posters, videos, and audio recordings

Submission length

  • Theory/Research discussions: 1000-2500 words
  • Replication studies: 3000-5000 words
  • Posters: At least 300 DPI and A2-A0 in size
  • Videos: Contact us to discuss options
  • Audio recordings: 30-180 min
  • Books: 80 000 – 200 000 words


  • All submissions must be accompanied by
    – A cover page that includes the title of your submission, the author(s) names (primary author first), contact details, ORCiD ID, and affiliation/name of the institution
    – No more than (7) keywords/key phrases
    – A signed and dated academic integrity form (click here to download)
    – A signed and dated conflict of interest statement (click here to download)
  • Must be in English
  • The writing must be clear, accessible, and of a professional standard
  • Harvard referencing is a must
  • All graphic material must be of good quality
  • Footnotes may not be used, but end notes are acceptable
  • Formatting: Body copy must be in either Arial/Times New Roman 12pt font size, with double spacing. All pages and graphs must be numbered
  • No submissions created with AI will be accepted

Our AI and plagiarism policy

Even though we take great care in avoiding AI-generated materials, we cannot guarantee that such materials will not find their way on our website. In cases where AI materials slip through, the authors will be liable, and they will be obligated to refund all funds paid to them. We consider AI-generated articles as fraud since such a submission was most likely submitted misleadingly or dishonestly. Such articles tend to be misrepresented as original work or involve unethical practices like plagiarism, misleading authorship, or a misrepresentation of research. Legal action will be taken against authors who are found guilty of submitting AI-generated articles where Libris Ignis can prove a loss of income or reputation damage to the Libris Ignis brand.

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